tI, 'i1 9186 ~---------------. 11 i 1'1 H i 0 tor 7. ~~~om10 and 0001al. of the world 'I il Japane se Series. 1\ Naw Haven eta: Yala Univ.Press. I1 (1) Yama saki•K. a. G. agllw,,: Th. • ffect 0 f the wo rld,1 -war upon the aommerae end industry o~ Jspan. ,'1 1929• (2) Kobs:rsshi. U.: Tha basic indu.stries end soais1:'I'I' 1 -history of Japan 1914-1918. 1930 .. -I ! (Carneg-ie Endowment for International Pesos.) 11 il