releting to foreign affairs aeeompenying the ennual message of the President. fk 27.CongreSB, 2. session. April 184.2 , ft tf 31. 1. Dee. 1849 11 ft 01 31. 2. Deo. 1850 tI 2. 32• Febr. 185.3 " ft 33. 1. März 1854 •l " 11 !I 33· 1. Febr• 1854~ Correspondence between the Seoretary cf stete end .the Charge d 'effeires of Austria to the ease of Martin Kcszta. 1853. .38.congress, 2. session. Part 1865 39." 1. " "1.2. 1865 1866 Appendix to diplomatie correspondence of 1865: The Assassination of Abraham Lineoln end the attempted assessination of Williem H. Seward.