Gelb 784 PGI -86/WsA 13 15 1 18 R(~cords and) AC rchives )MC anag~_ePot)pCrogramme) (Forts.) Moss, VIilliam Vi., and Peter C. Mazikana: Archives, oral history and oral tradition. 1986 Dollar, Charles M.: Electronic Records Uanagement and archives in international ,organizations. 1986. Hilde3heimer, f'rancois e: Le traiteme.':t des archives des architeetes. Etude de cas: France. Gook, Michael: An introduction to archival automation. A ~~ studywith guidelines. . Roper, I'ilichael: Directory of national standards relating to archives administration and records management. Franz, Eckhart G.: Archives &nd education. A RANP study ~itG gui delines.