REPORT Lord Chance110r ' s Office. The ••• annua1 Report of the Keeper of Pub1ic Records on the Work of the Pub1ic Record Office and the ••• Report of the Advisory Counci1 on Pub1ic Records ••• Laid before Par1iament in pursuance of section 1<3> of the Pub1ic Records Act, 1958. -London: R.M.Stat. 80 Off. 3.1961.1962 13.1971.1972 23.1981.1982 4.1962.1963 14.1972.1973 24.1982.1983 5.1963.1964 15.1973.1974 25.1983.1984 6.1964.1965 16.1974.1975 26.1984.1985 7.1965.1966 17.1975.1976 27.1985.1986 8.1966.1967 28. 1986. 1987. 9.1967.1968 19.1977.1978 10.1968.1969 11.1969.1970 12.1970.1971