Brosch 749 IIE i I I I e p 0 r t .of the delegates of 1iDe Uni ted Statee cf ~'r1"'C!.f·c·t0 tue ".Pan .äJn'3l' loan COIIllIlarcia1 Conf'3renoe't. held :!311e st nos .b.i re s, argantins, 1.1a,<1' 26 -June 19. 1955.~' J8 shin3t on: Ul3.,b. Go v u r' nr:;,iJ nl" plintJ.!lis office 1356. e V,164 : , Ii ·1 (De partem<1nt of 3t ate. Confer '3nce S8ries. 22. ) , ; I l I I ; I I il I