w 12.309 ~ SOTHEBY s. Sotheby's Qata10gue of va1uab1e autograph 1etters, 1iterary manuscripts and historica1 documents. 15/16 december 1980. s. Cata10gue of printed books, which will be sold by Sotheby Beresford adams. March 1981 s. Cata10gue of autograph,letters, 1iterary manuscripts änd historica1 documents. March 1981 s. Cata10gue of Eng1ish charters and documents from the Twe1fth to the Nineteenth Century from the ce1ebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phi1ipps, Bt. (17921872). April 1981 s. cata10gue of continenta1 autograph 1etters and manu scripts inc1uding a section by musicians and composers and with some printed music. May 1981