PX·, PX·, East India (Bombay light cavalry). "Re urn of the brevets conferred in thc throo regiments of regular Bombay light cavalry, from the 1st day of january 185'7 to the latest date, together with detailed reports of the fleld· services of the respective regiments and the distances marched by each regiment during the above period. " India Office, 22 august 1860. (Ordered, by the house of commons, to be printed, 23 august 1860.) Folio. London 1860. -(D i sarm ing th e natives). "Copies of all correspondence with the several governments of India, regarding the disarming of the natives in Guzerat; together with any minutes or opinions recorded by members of the late court of directors previously to the transfer of the Indian government to Her Majesty, and subsequently of the council of India, having reference to the same subject." India office, 21 June 1860. (Ordered, by the house oE commons, to be Printed, 22 June 1860.) Folio. London 1860. --(Prize property.) "Copies of all correspondence between the late court of directors of the East India Company and the governor general in Council, or governor general, and other authorities in India, 01' between the secretary of state for India .snd the same authorities, on the subject or prize property captured by the armies of the crown 01' of the late East India Company, in warfare against the rebel8 and mutineers during the years 1857, 1858, and 1859"; ete. Indoa office 25 July 1860. (Ordel'ed, by the honse of coJhmons, to be printed, 1 August 1860). Folio. London 1860.