BXVn ~oxe, WiHiam, M. A. F. B. S.. F. ß. A, Al'chde~(lI;l of Wjlts, ;.tnd rectoF of Bemerton. Memoirs of the KiJ)gs of Sp.~in of the h~lse of Bourbon, from the ~ccession of PhiIi P V.. to the .death of ,e h ar 1e s IH. 1700-1788. Dl'tI,COI;l from. original aI;lq. unpuhlishell .1 ,Q,ocunwnts. SepQud e,qitiOJ!. Jn five 'Volmnes.. (5 Bde.) fI.. Londo» 1811). 1 \