r 11-'7.[ RXn)11 Dodge, 'l'heodore Ayrault, brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U nited-States Army, retired List; Author of ,,'l'he Campaign of ChaneellorsvilIe", ete. ete. Na pol e 0 n. In foul' Volumes. Volume 1. A History of the Art of War, from the beginning of the Freneh Revolution to the end of thc Eighteenth Celltury, with a detailed aeeouut of the vVal's of thc Frcneh Revolution. With 202 Charts, Maps, Plans of Battles aud Taetical l\Ianoeuvres, Portraits, Cuts of Uniforms, Arms, and Weapons. -Volume H. A History of the Art of vVar, from the beginning of the Consulate to the end of the Friedland Campaign, with a detailed aceount. of the Napoleonie Wars. With 173 Charts, Maps, Plans of Battles, ete. (wie vor.) (Aus:) "Gread capitain~" c;t~Bde.1 8. London li~~4,:-/.ft?} X7"'ffl~ l1T .,tf Jfidk~l pjllZ {{'t(-'I-~{;,....... d~~~l GI ffi. ~;::'~H~(4t:"_ ~~ ~ #~ 4frL ,;. #~ IPHAI$/""" ~a.",t()"'/9"'" I oW-,f# "'-[...,,;. ]['} 'l,y-;'{I-/I.r a/Nr.:t.,[t.."t::i-. -~ r j .. _ Y;,-':.-t...1'" .. cl 1I/4-hi ,/ ,#(. tbt;(-P/,' ~/ f~ ~\hen ;