Pli a L. J5 Jochmus, A, lieut.-general. Co m m e n t air es: 1. On thc expcdition of Philip of Maccdon against Thcrmus aud Sparta. 2. On the military operations of Brennus aud the gauls against Thermopylac and Aetolia. 3. On the battle of Marathon, etc. 4. On thc battle of Selhtsia, and the strategie movcments of the generals of antiqnity between Tegea, Caryae, and Sparta. Communicatecl by Sir Roderick J. Murehison. With (6) map and plans. (Rcad beforc thc royal geographical society of London on thc 8 th of Junc, 1857.) (Donation Liechtenstein.) 8. London (1857).