Offi c i aIr e c 0 r d S of the Union and Oonfederate navies in the war oft h e . re bellion. Pnblished nndel' the dil'ection of the hon. H. A. Herbert, Secretal'Y of the n:wy, by Lient. Oommander Richard Rush, U. S. navy, Superintendent naval war records, and MI'. Robert H. Woods. By autority of an act of congress approvcd .Tuly 31, 1894. (Serie 1. Volume 1-2 fehlen.) Scries I, Volume 3. The operations of the Cruisers. ]<~rom April 1, 1864, to December 30, 1865. Serics I, Volume 4. Operation in the GuIf of Mexico from November 15, 1860, to June 7, 1861. Operation~ on tbe Atlantic Coast from January 1, to May 13, 1861. Operations on the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers from January 5, to December 7, 1861. (Serie I. Volumne 5-6 fehlen.) Series I. Volume 7. North Atlantic hlo"kading s quadron from march 8 to septenibre 4,'1862. (3 Bd0.j 8. Washington 1896-1899.