C-w .~ 1 1 Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements ofthe, Cavalry. Revised and corrected. HorS.e Guards 1st J anuary 1866. Published by Authority. . 8. London. -for tha Instruction, Fonmations, and Movements of the Cavalry. Revised and Gorrected. HOI;seGuards, 1st by Authority. August 1869. Published 8. London 1869. -~ fit' the 66 Taf.) Instructi&& and Movenaent of Cavalry. 1876. (Mit 1876. --1885. (Mit 60 Taf.) Appendix mit 26 . Taf. 1887. 8. London 1885-1887. -~(1If~60 tf j./~.) $. ~13S;'