F a 31 . Hcpurt, Annual, of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army to the Secretary of war. -(Fortsetzung.) For the years 1895 (7 Bde.), 1896 (6 Bdc.). (Im ganzen 13 Bde.) (Fortgesetzt unter dem l'itel:) ~;f 8. Washington 1895-1896. Re pOl' t s, An n u a 1, of the war depal'tment for the fiscal yeal' ended .Tune. Re pOl' t 0 f ,t he Chi e f 0 f Eng i n e er s. For the yenrs 1898 (6 Bde.), 1899 (6 Bde.), 1900 (8 Bde.\ 1901 (G Bde.), 1D02 (4 Bdc. und 1 Supp!. Hd.), ID03 (4 Bde. und 1 Supp!. Bd.). -Analytical and topical index to the Chief ofEngineers alld offieers of the corps of Engineers, Unites SÜdes .Army. 1866-1900. Volumes I anel H. Rivcr :md harbor works. Volume Ur. Fortifications, bridges, laws, miseellaneus, anel topical index. Compiled under the direction of Lieut. Colonel C. W. Ra y 111 0 n d, Corps of Enginecrs, U. S. Army. By .Tohn Mcclure. (;:J Bcle.) (Im Grmzen 39 Bdc.) 8. Washington 1898-1DOß.