Tfo ~. Report on the discipline and management of the military prisons, 1859 and 1860. By Major~General Sir Joshua Jebb, K. C. B., Inspector-General of military prisons, etc. (presented to both houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty.) 8. London 1861. --on the discipline and management of the mi I i t a r y p r iso n s 1861. By Major-General Sir Joshua Jebb, K. C. B., Inspector-General of military prisons, etc. 8. London 1862. --on the discipline and management of the military prisons 1862. By George V. R. Dunbar Esq. Presented to both Rouses ot Parliament by Command of Rer Majesty. 8. London 1863. ----' on the discipline and management of the mi1i t a r y pr iso n s 1879. By colonel Sir Edmund F. Du Cane, R. C. B., R. E., Inspector General of Military Prisons etc. Presented to both Rouses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 8. London 1886 ...