J e XIII It e p 0 l' t on tlte 0 l' J n an cesII r v e y of the unitcel kingJom, for 18tl5--1856. (Aus: Papers. Ordnanco sn1'vey. O1'de1'od, by the house of Commons, to be Printec1, 30 June 1857.) (Mit 27 PliineJl.) (Sowie:) Rep01't of the orelllance survcy eommisl>ioll; togethe1' with minute,; of evidenee anel appendix. P1'esentec1 to both Houscs of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. (~Iit 5 Karten.) (2 Bde.) (Donation Liechtenstein.), \' Fol. Londol1 1857--18f)8.