R:eturn of Desertions from the Army between the Ist day of January -"f( and the gpt d~y of December 1858, distinguishing the Num?ers A )J--from each RegIment and Depot of each Arm of the ServIce 1 specifying the Numbers Deserted between Enlistment and Attestation; between Attestation and Final Approval; the Numbers after Final Approval, and after passing 1nto the Ranks; those who Deserted before being Clothed from Out-Stations or Recruiting Districts j the Enlistments by Regimental Recruiting Parties or Staffj by the Corps of Pensioners, by Militia StafT; showing, finally, Total Number of Enlistments in the United Kingdom in the year 1858, and the Total Number of the Recruits remaining in the 31st Ranks on the of last December. Ordered, hy The House of Commons, to be Printed. Fol. London, 15. April 181>9.