I 49.934 Annies .:!llied Fach The allied Arnies under "tIfarshal Por,:h in the FrancoRe19ian theater of operatiOllS [2:Urnschlagt. J[8ngl.l1. franz.]. (Vol.l [11!1hstJ Charts unr'{ wags. 2.)' Vaslüf1cton; Güv. Pritlt.Orf. 1r,24-85. 8 [NebenL . ; ] Le s Ant6'es allieeS'SOIiS le cODlf1and81;h~l1t du Harechal '?od1 (blls le thelltre des operations franco-.beIge. (Report of the ~,:iIH,ary noard of Allied Supply. 1. J 1. 2. 2. ) [v. 25 . 31016 s • Forts. :