I 50.152 Food-supplY flussia world-war Food Supply in Russia during the world war. Under the gelleral dir.of P[etr] n[ernardovic] Strltve. Organiz tion und policy.Ry K. I.Zaitsev [ZajcevJ and N. V. Dalinsky. Foorl Prices 3,11(} the market in foodstuffs. ny S.S.Demosth~nov LDemostenovJ. -New naven:Yale tlniv. Pr. [nffiv.] 1030. XXVIII,46D S. SO (Ecollomic amd soeial Histor:: of the 'V'orld 'Var.Rus siall Series, '7) (Carnegie 8ndol'lrlent for International Deace.Div,of econ. st.) [30.52184