Krieg 1939~45: Generalstahswerk~: Vereiniete Staaten: Fioniere:Pazifik' F !I 463 bngineers Southwest-Paci~ic.-~ngineers of t~e SOl~t}v.re2t .12ci-:ic IC)4-1-19L 5. 3;vt?::e the 01'. i e f,,.LY"i:i~ eerr Gell e~a1 1"80 cl gur' rters A:sr:y ~()r T ces, I'8Clf'lC. LI1r8:3.J huc::h J.Qasey. ([\'Ilthj mans, iJ1ustr.) Vol.l. -(VnshinFton: D.S. Go~.Print.Off. 19L7-40' .' (Renorts of onerations. Dnited States Arrnv For~es in t}e~~Br Dast, Southwest ?8ci~ic~ Area, Arrny Porees, Facific.)